50 roses bouquet 🌹 we have wrapping paper in black , white and pink . Our bouquets don’t come with a vase , you can purchase it separately.Â
For delivery don’t  choose standard . Please select Local delivery .  Choose the delivery or pick up day where it says pick a slot , you will find a calendar .Â
Choose local delivery please ! Not standard shipping
 Available only in Los Angeles CA ,Roses available to order in red , white , lavander , pink , hot pink , yellow , orange and blue . you can also mix it depending on the availability of colors we have . order them 3 days in advance to give us time of the processing time. Or for same day orders call me to see if we have it available, questions call or text 323 420 9151 . Pickup options and delivery too ,We charge $10 for every 5 miles from the store This is our address 5212 W Adams Blvd Los Angeles CA 90016.